Friday, October 08, 2004
mad mad world
Elections tomorrow. Hopefully howard the rat doesn't win. Probably will. Then he'll retire and his number one toadie costello will take the reigns, this guy is a neo-liberal smirker, no morals, no charisma and not a trace of humanity. At least Howard is very easy to make fun of.
Trasharama-au-go-go is on at the Mercury tonight. What a fine night of zed grade cimena awaits.
Another weekend of washing clothes and riding bikes coming up. May go for a night ride if I can talk a sucker into it.
More stupid rules at work. More stupid work at work. Work is stupid.
I love my job.
must be off, eyes turning square
Added hit counter to site, did an IQ test 138, i think that's good, but I know all IQ tests are a joke.
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