Saturday, April 02, 2005


CORC Solo-Only 24hr MTB Race

This is a few of the photos taken by me and Ellie at the 24hr Solo-Only race held over the Easter weekend in Canberra. We travelled with Lars and Fleur.

On the way we got in trouble for camping in the wrong part of the Murray-sunset National Park, purchased wine from the Robinvale organic winery, ate lunch on the Murrimbigee, got RBT'd and stopped in at the "Dog on the Tuckerbox".

While there I rode really well for a while before circumming to extreme neck pain (getting better), after a long lie down and a cup of coffee I put in a few hot laps, but nothing could make up for my 8hr lap that started at midnight. Lars took third place after battling with sketchy batteries. And Ellie and Fleur fed us, took photos and provided amazing support.

Andrew Bell a bike courier from Melbourne won the race after Saul Britton pushed his body past the limits of human endurance. Keith Macquire punched out a massive number of laps on his hardtail, till the seatpost broke. Bunnies were everywhere. Kangaroos added an element of excitement to the firetrails. And everyone had a fantastic time. Goto CORC's website for more details.

We then drove home tired and exhausted.

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