Wednesday, May 04, 2005
still here..
Just posting for the sake of posting. I've added a few new links of late. All cool bike related blogs. I've been doing assignments and watching DVD's. Now I've got one week to get my body and brain into gear for the Dirty Weekend. I'm still fit as I've ever been, but I really need to spend a long day i the saddle to prepare my body for what's coming up. My biggest day of exercise as been a quick ride up singletrack through C******'s Gully, a quick fire road descent and then a flex across town to the beach for a run and a swim. Usually I'm in a big panic about these events but this time I'm over-relaxed as anything. Must run, must watch "Read or Die!".
9:30 Wheels of Justice ride outside Parliament House
9:30 Wheels of Justice ride outside Parliament House
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