Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Well what have we here...

Contary to popular rumours circulated by myself I am actually still in existence. Yeah it's been three months since using this thing, but you get that. Now I'm back and I'm going to post some pictures again. YAY!!!!!!!!!

This lot is from the AMBC 12hr held last weekend. I wandered around for 12 hours drinking beer, eating junk food, taking photos and occassionally helping Ellie and Lars out with stuff. Oh, and giving Timmm a hard time about bending his rear deraileur on his first lap.

Once again Mt Torrens ate lots of people's bikes. Brett's brand new Turner Nitrous snapped a chainstay, Timmm bent his rear deraileur, Peter Harsmaa broke a spoke on lap 1, Timmm put a stick through his front tyre, heaps of other people bent derailleurs, busted spokes, and/or cut themselves up nicely. Chris Jongelwald (National XC Champion)even managed to cut his face up, which on top of the fact that his 4 man JT/Avanti team was being beaten by Team Moonunit Brett (17 years old), Timmm (who hates XC) and Ash (who left early to go to wedding), really pissed him off.

I loved it, I got to take photos, supported Lars (solo winner), Team Moonunit (2nd overall) and Ellie (Dead F***ing Last), drank a six-pack and ate so much junk food I got a mouth ulcer.

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